4. Data Tables

Creating data tables is an exercise in using tabs and form fields.  When creating data tables, some thought should be given to the structure of the test and the way data will be entered. Additionally, because every bookmark must be unique, a plan for naming each bookmark should be determined from the beginning.

Using an combination of abbreviations that refer to the test, index score, and type of score seems to be logical way to uniquely bookmark fields in data tables. For example, a bookmark for the Standard Score of the Reading Comprehension Index of the Woodcock-Johnson IV tests of Achievement might read WJ4RCISS.

NOTE: If a Form Text Field with the same unique bookmark is accidentally repeated in the same document, Word will prioritize the second field entered with the bookmark. The first field entered will will shed its bookmark to avoid the conflict. Therefore, if the same data table is entered twice in the same report accidentally, the first table entered must be deleted. However, I recommend that both are deleted to avoid any confusion. This is demonstrated in the video below.