7. Switches

Sometimes, when using REF fields to display data, the resulting sentence just doesn't read naturally.  To fix this, MS Word allows you to adjust the data using switches. There are dozens of switches for every purpose imaginable.  For psychoeducational reports, you will most likely use the ordinal switch.

When reporting percentile ranks, we typically read them as ordinal numbers (e.g. 2nd percentile) rather than real numbers (e.g. 2 percentile).  A switch can be used to make that change automatically when the REF field displays the data (see pg 10 of the Tutorial PDF).

To switch a number (5) to an ordinal (5th), the switch  \*ordinal is added to the end of the REF field.

The syntax is this:
    { REF Bookmark  \*ordinal }

Notice that this does not work with percentile ranks less than 1 (e.g. 0.1 percentile). In fact, Word will display this as "0th percentile."  IF fields can rectify that issue (see pg 11 of the Tutorial PDF).